Case Studies
- Trifecta Management GroupRedemption Plus the turn-key solutionTrifecta Management Group (TMG) provides comprehensive management services to the restaurant and retail entertainment industries. Mike Auger is one of the founders and managing partners of TMG and worked on the executive management team that developed GameWorks... (view pdf)
- Shakers Family Fun CentreRedemption Plus Shakes Off The CompetitionThe redemption program started off without a hitch. Then, in 2008, the economic downturn hit; the cost to import product from the US made it expensive due to the weak dollar.... (view pdf)
- The Alley at South ShoreRedemption Plus Right Down The Alley"Having spent a lifetime in the bowling business, I knew some of the issues with owning and operating a gameroom," said Boje. As a trained CPA, Boje immersed himself in analyzing the industry. "I focused a lot of time educating myself on how to create a game room and realized I needed an expert." ...(view more)(view pdf)